Sunday, January 18, 2009

2009 Rose Show Dates Announced

Mark you calendars for Walter Andersen Nursery's 10th Annual Rose Show, to be held May 16-17. Both nurseries have a spectacular selection of roses. Plant now, feed with Ada Perry's and we'll look forward to seeing your entries in May. A rose prep class will also be scheduled. Full details will be available in the spring newsletter, to be distributed by April 1.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Waterfall Update

The pondless waterfall now has water in it. That's right, after only five days of work, the water feature is fully installed. Our next step will be to have our landscape designer, Maryon Kinsella, design a planting plan so that the area can be landscaped.

Monday, January 12, 2009

New Look at the Poway Nursery

There's a lot of activity happening at the front of Walter Andersen Nursery's Poway store. Over the last few days, customers have been greeted with piles of dirt, rocks and earth moving equipment. Look hard and you'll find a personalized piece of rock that explains it all.

The rock, emblazoned, with Aqua Designs, the name of a local waterscape company is so far the only discernable thing in the pile. The folks at the company, along with owner, Bob Eitelman, are building a pondless waterfall to showcase a new feature they have been building. Sure enough, once completed, the structure will look like a waterfall, but without the pool of water you normally see with that formation. A pondless waterfall is a water feature that looks and sounds like a natural stream complete with rocks, pebbles and stone. Water is circulated through a self-contained pump and pipe system over a sealed streambed of natural rock, pebbles and stone. This water feature does not require a hook-up to a water system or discharge into a storm water system.

We can't wait to show you the finished new landscape feature which is expected to be completed the week of Jan. 12. Better yet, come in and see if for yourself.